Redefining Medicine with Integrative Functional Medicine

Today's episode on Redefining Medicine spotlights Todd LePine, MD: a Board-Certified specialist in Integrative Functional Medicine. After "hitting a wall" in treating patients with mainstream allopathic medicine, Dr. LePine discovered the benefits and efficacy of Integrative Functional Medicine to create health and address chronic conditions. Dr. LePine worked for 15 years as a physician at Canyon Ranch. Dr. LePine’s focus is to help his patients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring the natural balance to both the mind and body. Dr. LePine also serves as a Senior Medical Advisor for Diagnostic Solutions Lab. Dr. LePine's multidimensional approach to assessing the underlying root causes of disease have helped thousands of patients regain health and vitality through cutting-edge, clinically-proven approaches.


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